This year we’ve all grown to love this new Facebook live video feature, that this social network has launched. But just imagine, how much more of a room for broadcasting does the live audio.
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Predictions for the digital advertising industry in 2017

While this year has seen some brand new trend in the industry emerge and spread like a wildfire (and we’re talking not just about the 360 videos, or the programmatic advertising), next yeat will.
The power of data ownership: Getting it right in 2017

Data, and especially the big data has become one of the most important things in the modern marketing world, bearing in mind that the industry has gone crazy in love with all the metrics that.
Facebook will let celebs edit Live videos after broadcast ends

In quite a suprising recent move, the Facebook company decided that while live videos have indeed become one of the newest vocal points of the modern marketing efforts, the editing…
Marketing Day: Cross-device ad tech, Google AdWords & social media war rooms

With 2016 bidding us all a farewell soon, we guess that the time is right for us to see what next year of 2017 has in store for us, marketing-wise.